The Advanced Transportation and Logistics Sector of the California Community Colleges was awarded $3.5 million by the California Energy Commission.
The Zero Emissions Vehicle High School Pilot Project increased career awareness in the clean fuels transportation field for high school students in underserved communities — regions impacted by poor air quality and those serving minority populations.
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ZEV Equity Training Project Final Report Now Available – Click HERE!
The Advanced Transportation and Logistics Sector of the California Community Colleges works in partnership with the California Energy Commission to prepare a highly skilled, clean energy workforce in California.
Through this collaboration, many community college and high school automotive and alternative fuel programs across the state have purchased updated equipment, trained faculty and revised curriculum. These schools, located in disadvantaged communities, are now teaching the most current technologies to students.
Join Us for This Year’s Clean Energy Hall of Fame Award Winners!
The California Energy Commission will be recognizing these unsung leaders helping to advance California’s clean energy goals at a December 7 ceremony.
The awards, which are in its fourth year, honor those making exceptional contributions to help California achieve a 100 percent clean energy future for all. Click HERE for more information and the award winners!
CA Energy Commission News: Orange County High Schools Awarded Switch™ Vehicles For Student Training!
More Success Stories for the Zero Emissions Vehicle High School Pilot Project!
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