Completion of West Coast Electric Highway Will Help Spur Industry Growth

Photo credit: NGT News
From NGT News on February 22, 2016
The California Energy Commission has proposed awarding $8.87 million to four companies to install a network of direct current (DC) fast-charging electric vehicle (EV) stations along major highways in California. ChargePoint, Recargo, EVConnect and NRG EV Services were all awarded grants to install the DC charging stations along Interstate 5, State Route 99 and Highway 101.
The corridor is part of the proposed West Coast Electric Highway that stretches from Baja California to British Columbia, Canada. The charging corridor will include SAE Combo chargers, CHAdeMO chargers and J1772 chargers for increased accessibility across a range of makes and models.
The biggest winner was ChargePoint, which received awards for three segments of the fast-charging corridor totaling $3,659,615, about 42% of the available funding. EV Connect also received three awards totaling $1,843,179. NRG EV Services received two awards valued at $1,659,928, and Recargo received one award worth $1,632,735.
Read original article here.