Women honored by California High-Speed Rail Authority
From California High Speed Rail Authority on March 9, 2016

Photo credit: California High Speed Rail Authority
In recognition of National Women in Construction Week, the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) honors the women who are working to build the nation’s first high-speed rail program in the Central Valley.
To date, approximately 300 men and women have been dispatched to multiple work sites within Construction Package 1, the first 29 miles of the high-speed rail from Avenue 17 in Madera to American Avenue in Fresno. These workers represent a fraction of the construction workforce that will be needed to build the entire system from San Francisco to the Los Angeles area.
“While there are more than one-million women employed in the construction industry, that only comprises about ten percent of the construction workforce,” said Sandy Field, the immediate past-president of The National Association of Women in Construction. “’During Women in Construction Week we say thank you to women for their important contribution to this field and we hope this brings attention to the industry and encourages others to consider it as a viable career.”
Women in Central Valley Invited to Work for High-Speed Rail Authority
“This project means a lot to the Central Valley, and we want to make sure that women in this region have an opportunity to contribute to this project and help ensure its success,” said Central Valley Regional Director Diana Gomez. “We have over 100 miles now under construction in the Valley, and it’s the perfect time for women who want to learn the trade to join us.”
By sharing these stories, the Authority hopes these women will serve as an inspiration to those considering a career in the industry.
To learn more about Women in Construction Week visit http://www.nawic.org/nawic/WIC_Week_2016.asp