Trends that were identified by the region’s Advanced Transportation Advisory Group included: (1) the growing number of Electric Vehicle (EVs) and Hybrid Vehicle models in the retail market, (2) use of EVs and Hybrids by fleet operators, and (3) the number of Hybrids coming out of manufacturer warranties. Based on these trends, the Advisory Group recommended that instruction on EV and Hybrid systems become an integral part of the region’s college automotive programs. Because a number of our region’s automotive programs are not currently covering these systems, a training series was put together for regional college and high school faculty. 17 faculty members participated. Additional professional development training may be scheduled depending on faculty needs.
A follow-up assessment of the value and current use of the training curriculum will be conducted in December and January. College and high school programs will use a common curriculum for EV and Hybrid vehicle training, which will result in program alignment responding to industry advisory recommendations.