Exploring increased collaboration possibilities to address workforce needs.
On Friday, April 13, Advanced Manufacturing Deputy Sector Navigator Mark Martin and Clean Energy and Transportation Deputy Sector Navigator Pam Gutman co-hosted an event with Tesla’s Manager of Technician Training, Tony Sciarra, at the company’s headquarters to explore increased collaboration to address Tesla technical (or skilled-trade) workforce needs.
More than 70 individuals attended from a variety of educational organizations, including community college faculty, high school faculty, school district administrators, county office of education staff and non-profits involved in workforce training. Geographic scope was from Santa Rosa to Hartnell, with attendees from as far east as Sacramento. The group focused on building and strengthening collaborative relationships between Tesla, community colleges and high school programs.
Tesla speakers addressed their plan and need for staffing for auto technicians and service personnel, robot maintenance personnel and production staff.
They addressed such issues as the job environment, skills required and attitude sought (i.e., team-oriented problem-solvers). Tesla reported they anticipate 3,000 production-related job openings in the near future!
Following lunch, attendees broke into subgroups each with a Tesla recruiter to consider the opportunities and hurdles that they encountered in increasing the flow of students into and through technically-oriented programs. It was clear that supporting community outreach by Tesla to help change the image of technical education would benefit the Bay Area as a whole and the company in specific.
The meeting was a unique combination of organizations all sharing the desire to increase technical training graduates with an employer very much in need of such skilled individuals.
And, teachers were encouraged to bring students to talk with Tesla managers, and to give their perspective to support Tesla’s recruiting efforts.
For more information, contact Pam Gutman at ce_pgutman@ccsf.edu.